Message from Mayor

His Worship The Mayor of St. Ann's Bay
Cllr. Micheal Belnavis

It was Alan Lakein who said “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

The Municipality of St. Ann possesses a unique mix of urban and rural communities. Its attractive nature is that of vibrant and growing communities with a national appeal that fosters economic growth and job creation.

It is the mandate of this Corporation to see to the improvement of our parish environment and infrastructure; recognizing that its preservation lies in the social strength of our people; the vitality of our business community and leaders with a genuine interest in allowing good governance to prevail.

Exciting opportunities are ahead of us with the completion of our drop in center to care for the vulnerable in our society. As we continue to champion the cause of transforming the verge areas in the streets of St. Ann into beautiful native gardens, we launched an Adopt-A-Verge Programme that will navigate its success. Through our vibrant cultural scene we will continue to twin with foreign nations, in what has been a mutually beneficial exchange of opportunity and knowledge. It is therefore our intention through a united political and administrative team to provide seamless service that will see to the advancement of our people and parish.

In closing, our parish is a great parish and I look forward to working with all stakeholders in maximizing its potential.