Message from Chief Executive Officer

CEO's Message
Rovel Morris, Chief Executive Officer, St. Ann Municipal Corporation
Local Government enjoys a more intimate relationship with its citizenry and as such, needs to have a more direct route to impart knowledge and information to its clients while at the same time receiving feedback.  Technology has reached a stage in our lives that its use has become necessary in effectively carrying out our roles and functions.
If we look carefully at the statements encompassed in the Mission and Vision Statements of the St. Ann Municipal Corporation, we have mandated of ourselves to be a “…first class Local Authority…to deliver a range of services efficiently…and deliver the required standards of performance against its outputs”.
One of the tenets of the reformed Local Governance System is for Municipal Corporations to be more accountable and transparent in carrying out their duties. The creation of a website allows Municipal Corporation to inform and educate while at the same vein highlight how the activities are carried out.
Another objective of the Local Government Reform that the creation of the website will achieve is to establish true partnerships between the Local Authorities and the different elements of the society.
Citizens need to attain a level in the society where they enjoy full and real opportunities to fully and directly participate in and contribute to the management and development of their communities and the parish – this avenue is now open to do so.
We are here to serve and your insight and feedback will be most appreciated.
I wish to thank the various citizens of the Parish who through their participation in our public fora, their letters or telephone conversations provided comments and guidance on our activities and performance and have encouraged us to create this portal to heighten the level of public participation.
St. Ann Parish Municipal Corporation, the Councillors and the team of Administrative and Technical persons whom I have the pleasure to lead, believes that public service should be more than doing a job efficiently and honesty but public education and information are key functions for all of us if we are to live, work, raise families and sustainably develop our Garden Parish.