Residents in the Alexandria community have been without a library for over six (6) years, due to fire destroying the Library that originally served the community. The construction of the new library is the brainchild of sitting Councillor for the Alexandria Division, Mr. Gilbert McLeod. Currently there are a number of public schools in close proximity to Alexandria that are forced to do without a library. Residents were experiencing grave challenges with obtaining library services to conduct research, complete assignments etc. The closest such facility is located in the Brown’s Town community approximately 10 miles from Alexandria.
The process to obtain land and funding for the construction and completion has been a very worthwhile one for all stakeholders involved. The land which housed the unfinished building was donated by the Noranda Bauxite Company in St. Ann and the Jamaica Bauxite Institute has contributed funds to aid with the initial construction of the building.
The Council and other stakeholders recognized the importance of accessing Library Services to continue/advance the education of residents and as such sought assistance from the Social Development Commission (SDC) to access funding from the Grassroots and Human Security Grant from the Japanese Embassy. The Council served as the implementing agency for the duration of the project and handed over the completed building to the Jamaica Library Service that will manage its operations under their umbrella.
June 22, 2016 was a proud moment for All Stakeholders at the official opening of the newly constructed Alexandria Library. The Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Masanori Nakano was in attendance. In his address noted that the project would provide educational opportunities and handed over magazines and books to the library.
It is hoped that this service will be fully utilized and the Council lauds all who have contributed to making the project a reality.